Enrollment has closed.

Upcoming enrollment dates will be released soon!





Do you wake up in the morning feeling totally exhausted instead of refreshed? Are you overworked, underpaid and running on empty? Do your to-do lists have their OWN to-do lists? Are you swimming in a sea of shoulds? Let's face it! If any of these statements ring true to you, it is time to ESCAPE your current perception of reality. Join me for a transformational series to allow yourself a break from life's expectations and learn powerful, yet manageable strategies to maintain a sense of peace and calm even during stressful times.


I spent many years overworked and stressed out in the corporate world then transitioned to working for myself in a completely different field which brought about its own set of worries and concerns. Both worlds can come with anxiety and stresses, and the degrees vary depending on your own belief system or upbringing. I am often asked about my daily routines or rituals and how I stay relatively calm even during stressful situations, so I created this course to help people take back control in their life and help them work through some intense feelings and emotions. I have done A LOT of research, studied different modalities and tested many self-help practices, and the ones in this course are the ones that made the biggest impact on my life. I wish I knew about these tools and strategies while I was working in the corporate world as it would have helped with my anxiety and extremely high stress levels. BUT then again, if I hadn’t gone through those overwhelming times, it wouldn’t have led me to where I am today, wanting to support others with their own anxiety or high stress levels, allowing them to see and feel that there is a way out of these intense feelings.


In this 4 week course you will go from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to feeling calm and in control. You will create an empowering daily routine that will not only allow you to feel grounded, it will shift your perspective, inviting in more of what you DO want. The tools and strategies you will learn will support your nervous system, allowing you to feel calm and will prevent chronic disease later in life.

"Stress is the main driver of chronic disease." Mark Hyman, M.D.



You are right for this Stress Release Series if you want to create a healthier daily routine that allows you to reduce your stress and anxiety to a level that feels manageable. You will learn new strategies to instantly shift your mindset, begin to shift limiting beliefs from your mind and body, and start living the way that YOU want to. Instead of the way you have been conditioned to believe you should.

If you are:

  • An entrepreneur or professional in the corporate world who feels overwhelmed and stressed.
  • A work-a-holic, multi-tasker or someone who feels like they work better under stress!
  • Someone who needs help with structure and a healthy routine for the mind, body AND spirit!
  • Looking for easy tips and tricks to help drive your life in the way that you want it to go.
  • Needing someone to give you the roadmap to change!
  • Having trouble being consistent.
  • Feeling stuck and unable to get yourself out of a rut.

If this sounds like you then you are in the right place!

The Great Escape: A Stress Release Series will give you the tools, inspiration and support to create a more healthy and calm environment for you to thrive in!



  1. Nailed down your new healthy daily routine, focusing on the mind, body and spirit.
  2. Learned strategies to shift your mindset from stressed and anxious to calm and in control.
  3. Obtained multiple resources to help when you're feeling stressed, that you have access to whenever you need them.
  4. Developed skills to observe how you're feeling, and how to shift what is no longer working for you in your life.
  5. Learned a formula that invites positive experiences into your life.
  6. Allowed your nervous system to go into a rest and digest state to support optimal health.

"It is our minds that determine our life, our quality of health, our relationships, our ability to live our dreams, and to find our passion. If you can't fix your mindset, you can't fix anything." Mark Hyman, M.D.


"Tired? keep working. Grieving? who cares. No support with parenting? oh well. Struggling with money? get a side gig & never see people you love. Of course people are mentally ill. This is the survival mode many call life." @the.holistic.psychologist

I know it can sometimes seem like we don't have any choices or other options, but what I will show you is that we CAN make big changes by consistently following through on small tasks every day. This will help change the path that you're on and welcome better days ahead.

Let me teach you the strategies to make big changes by following some small simple steps. In this series, I give you a clear roadmap that not only supports your mind but also allows your body to relax, allows for more clarity and deepens the mind/body/soul connection.

It all starts with looking within, which is never easy, but don't worry, you will have support along the way!


The experience I had with Bianca was deep and profound. I can be a very closed off person and have an incredibly hard time letting go of things that probably hold me back. Bianca provides a safe space to feel vulnerable and really allowed me to tap into feelings that I’ve ignored and didn’t want to acknowledge. I’m so grateful to her and how much she has helped me in my growth as a person. She is special.


I highly recommend Bianca for EFT tapping & hypnosis. She is truly amazing at what she does. I’ve worked with her multiple times for different issues and have had dramatic shifts. Some of these issues shifted within 24 hours. It’s almost like magic! Not only is she good at EFT tapping & hypnosis but she is compassionate, caring & great to work with. If you’ve been thinking about trying either, don’t delay. You won’t regret it!


Each session I have had with Bianca has been so rich and worthwhile. I felt very safe and supported right off the bat. She has a very calming, yet powerful, energy that I could strongly feel even through Zoom. I found myself walking away from each session with clarity and the ability to take very specific action in the areas we targeted. She is a joy to work with.


  • 4 modules over 4 weeks - follow along or go at your own pace if you need more time to complete the modules
  • 2 Live Q&A's, with demonstrations
  • 1 Live Breathwork Session via Zoom
  • Printable Workbook
  • Membership to a private community who will encourage and support your growth - with support and input from Bianca
  • Lifetime access to all course material and receive any updates that are made
  • MP3 Recordings that are easily downloadable


I am so excited for you to receive the FREE Healthy Mind/Body MP3 recording when you sign up for this course! You will be able to use this recording whenever you feel your body is overworked and stressed. It will bring you into a state of calm and allow your body to go into the 'rest and digest' parasympathetic state!


I hear you, you've tried many things and you are worried that this will just add to your workload and not deliver the results you were looking for.

The good news is, this series comes with a 7 day money-back guarantee. By the end of the 7 days you will have received the first module in the series. If you don't feel totally confident and motivated by this series, by 5pm EST on February 5th 2023, simply reach out and show us that you have put in the work for the first module and we will refund your investment.


I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things I'm going to need to learn and execute inside this series. Are you sure I can do this?

Absolutely, and if you don't get through all the lessons in the 4 weeks, that's ok! You have lifetime access to this course and can go at your own pace. Bianca will have 2 live Q&A's and will be supporting you in the private membership group so feel free to take your time with it.

Can I listen to the recordings while driving?

We ask that you DO NOT listen to any of the recordings while driving, operating equipment or doing anything that requires your attention or the attention of other people around you. It is important to be in a quiet, safe space where you can fully relax and listen to the recordings.

When will this course begin?

This course is set to begin on January 30th 2023, just in time to start your year off right! You will receive your FREE Healthy Mind/Body MP3 Recording before the course begins so you can jumpstart the healing process.

When you say change my mindset, will you be brainwashing us in this course?

Absolutely not! We take this work very seriously and would never use the techniques we've learned to brainwash anybody. You are in complete control throughout the series and can choose what you do or do not participate in. All of the words we use are for positive reinforcement to help reach your positive goals - all the while being in complete control of your mind and body! We even offer recordings where we leave silent spaces for you to fill in the words that YOU want to use for your own well-being.

What other courses do you offer?

We are actively working on other courses to offer to you, please check out the Courses Page on our website ( for more information. Be sure to join the waitlist to be the first to find out more!


Bianca has certifications in Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Past-Life Regression Therapy, Integrative Nutrition, and Breathwork. Her work as a health and wellness practitioner embodies a holistic approach that works to heal the body, mind and spirit, using natural means.

Coupled with intuitive gifts, as well as the study of various practices including Theta Healing, Meditation, Reiki, Tarot and Yoga, Bianca employs a selection of healing modalities curated for each individual experience. The aim of her work is to calm the nervous system and to release limiting beliefs, anxiety, fear, grief and past traumas stuck in the subconscious mind and body, and to support true, lasting mind-body integration.

Her strength is in guiding others toward harmony between mind, body and spirit. It is her great passion to provide tools, and help create a space in which to embrace self-love, peace, abundance and joy, to discover and empower your true self, starting from within.

Her passion and driving force is to help others feel seen and supported, to provide the tools and resources she has gathered in her own experience and in her professional development. And ultimately, to be a guide for others on their own journey toward inner peace and freedom.